I really was supposed to go to Brunswick Point. But somehow I ended up at the wrong meeting place for the car pooling. I forgot my bottle of water, but it was the first day of snow in Metro-Vancouver and snow can be melted for drinking.
So I hopped on public transit again and got myself to Terra Nova. I figured nothing else can possibly go wrong, but even before I got there I noticed the traffic and the honking – overhead.

Snow Geese

Trumpeter Swans

It was my first visit to Terra Nova. There were a variety of waterfowls on the middle arm of the Fraser River, as well as on the Terra Nova pond. That was the first time I saw a mega group of Double-crested Cormorants – 200 of them were fishing at the River. I finally had a male Northern Harrier, and a Golden-crowned Sparrow was actually singing his slurry notes. The birds were generally in a good mood, and so was I.