Tag: Wilson’s Snipe

Surrey – White Rock Christmas Bird Count

I still have a lot to learn. Some bird watchers can recognize birds by their shadows… Cumulatively about 70 bird species were counted in our sub-area and I gained two lifers – a group of 7 Mourning Doves, an American Kestrel – and maybe a birding pal!

Other notable species: a Pileated Woodpecker in flight, another evasive Wilson’s Snipe, a Hermit Thrush who decided wintering here is ok, Red-tailed Hawks in every corner and two triads of River Otters.

What a grand day. Doug, thank you for the ride.

Snipe in a snap

My contribution to the Vancouver Christmas Bird Count was Wilson’s Snipe. Long was this bird hiding among the grasses from me. Today’s sighting was short – I flashed the bird, and observed it as it flew away.

From all places, I found it in the Hastings racecourse infield – a habitat which is slated to become a parking lot in a 20 years redevelopment plan for Hastings Park. Contended with this plan are The Friends of Hastings Park, who would like to have a real park in the neighborhood.

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