Up and out by 8:15am, a bicycle ride to Ambleside Park, West Vancouver (3 hours birding); then to Harbourside Park (2 hours) and from there to Maplewood Flats (2 hours). Returned home by the Second Narrows bridge.

Amleside Park: ducks kingdom, and a female Brewer’s Blackbird on the grass near the parking lot. Read more about birding Amleside Park here.

Harbourside Park: 13 Black Turnstones, in the company of 23 Harbour Seals. On an abandoned field (that sounds wrong, allow me to rephrase: In an undisturbed habitat) east of Fell Avenue: 3 Western Meadowlarks!
Notable on the West side of the Park were 4 killdeers and a Horned Grebe.
For a more detailed description of Harbourside Park birding look here.

Maplewood Flats: a Bewick’s Wren! This cutie was on my wish list for a while!

Lifers total: 6! woo-hoo!